Winners of NMO Pathology Quiz Held in June 2020: 1st Rank: Apeksha Batra | 2nd Rank: Piyush Sahu | 3rd Rank: Pratik Rathi  Other Finalists: Kartik Chaudhary, BSAMCH 2017 | Sachin Gatti K, AJIMS MANGALORE 2017 | Prabudh Sai, VMMC 2017

4 Productive Things to do in your Free Time

In today’s age, free time is hard to come by. So rather than spending your spare time lying around and doing nothing, why not make most out of it?

Here are 4 Productive Things to do in your Free Time

Volunteer for an NGO

One of the noblest ways to spend your spare time is to volunteer for a local NGO. Try finding an NGO working toward a cause that moves you. You’ll not only gain experience and meet like-minded people, but you’ll also be contributing to a better world. And let’s not even talk about how satisfying it is going to feel.4 Productive Things to do in your Free Time..

Read a good book

Even if you’re not a book worm, this is something you should certainly do in your free time. Books give you a much better understanding of the world around you.  They introduce your new ideas, places, people, and philosophies and may even help you learn new skills (especially if you’re reading non-fiction). Besides this, reading regularly also helps you better articulate your thoughts, learn new words, and develop better communication skills, in general.

If you’re looking for a good book, try visiting the local library, or ask a friend for recommendations. Are you tech-savvy? Try reading an e-book.


Spend Time with Friends and Family

Devoting all your time to career and growth is self-sabotaging. You need to prioritize spending time with friends and family too. If you’re free, why not go out for a movie with friends, or spend a day with your grandparents? Foster your personal relationships and never neglect your closed ones, no matter how busy you may be.

Join a Gym

Rather than sitting at home and doing nothing in your spare time, why not work towards a fitter body? Instead of postponing your exercise plans, just go plunge into them head-on. You’ll build muscle, burn calories, and de-stress your brain. Going to the gym also teaches you discipline, which is an immensely valuable trait in the professional world.

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